Energy, sources & uses, past, present,
To appreciate the competition it's necessary
to know the many directions it comes from.
The traditional sources energy are broadly
divided up into:
Just as important as the supply is the consumption,
because the use determines the source.
Every day, we consume millions of barrels of oil that contributes to
global warming, and diminish an irreplaceable commodity. We also
produce millions of tons of carbon dioxide, and emit tons of sulfur
dioxide and trioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. Hundreds
of pounds of mercury, chlorine, bromine, and dozens of other noxious
This is a cost of civilization1.
Would I prefer we didn't pollute, sure. Would I accept the lack of
infrastructure as the price of zero emissions? No way. Is there a
way to have both? Yes there is!
Thermal Processes require local on
the spot generation of high temperatures and frequently burn fuel in
direct contact with the product being produced. The exact
composition of the fuel while variable is an important part of the
- Metallurgical Coke
- Petroleum Refining
- Portland Cement
- Smelting of Ore
- Metal Manufacture
- Glass Manufacture
- Space Heating
Electric Generation based on the
burning of fuel either generates steam, or operates a prime mover.
The mechanical work obtained turns a generator.
- Coal Fired
- Petroleum Fired
- Natural Gas Fired
- Nuclear Fueled
- Geothermal Heated
- Hydro
- Wind
- Solar
Transportation uses generally require
the vehicle to carry its own source of energy. Electric trains use
overhead wires or third rails, and some dredges and shovels use an
extension cord. The nuclear navy, and spacecraft are interesting
exceptions where the initial cost just doesn't matter.
- Gasoline & Diesel
- Petroleum
- Electricity
- Nuclear
- Solar
Distributed Infrastructure
is really a hybrid category. Many factories, office buildings,
industrial complexes, college campuses, and others, are large enough
that they have their own plants for electricity, heat, water, sewage,
- Anthracite Coal
- Petroleum
- Natural Gas
- Electricity
Distributed Consumption is like
distributed infrastructure, but smaller. Residential, retail,
commercial, and light industrial consumers that just aren't big enough
to justify the added costs to monitor emissions, handle solid fuel ash,
and the constant maintenance of the bigger equipment.
- Refined Petroleum
- Natural Gas
- Electricity
- Wood
- Human Labor
- Farm Waste
- (What's brown and sounds like a bell?) Dung
- Wood
- Candles
- Coal
- Whale Oil
- Animal Effort
- Windmills
- Waterwheels
- Coal Stokers
- Petroleum (simple distilled)
- Illuminating Gasses
- Steam Heat
- Steam Engines
- Hydroelectric
- Internal Combustion
- Pulverized Coal
- Petroleum (refined catalytically)
- Liquefied Natural Gas
- Nuclear Fission
- Nuclear Fusion
- Geothermal
- Ocean Wave
- Solar Collection
- Photovoltaic
- Wind Turbines
- Fuel Cell
- Dilithium Crystals
- and who knows what else...
1So it's not as clever as the animatronics
history located in the original "World of Motion" pavilion at
Epcot Center, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL. We all really liked
the caveman blowing on his hot tired feet. [back]