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Industrial Systems from 250kW to 5MW and up...
- All the features of the commercial units, except...
- Ground based installation, not on the roof-tops.
- Concrete footings, columns and additional light steel framing.
- Easy track rails, for maximum land utilization.
- Highest capture ratio for lowest total cost of ownership.
- True N-S alignment, optimal panel spacing, optimal panel inclination.
- Single axis tracking standard. Optional dual axis tracking, manual, semi
auto, full auto.
- Multiple units can be paralleled for greater capacity.
- Incremental capacity can be brought up as the project develops.
- Instant capacity can be tailored to weather and demand.
- Fast system response to varying conditions of: sunlight, demand, power
factor, economic factors, etc.
- Live spares can be stored on site.
- More amenable to thermal storage, or fuel-fired backup.
- Designed for easy periodic maintenance
- Extensive diagnostics built-in
- Fenced in site, camera security.
- Precipitation collection system, keeps rain away from landfill, minimizes
wash water consumption.
- Setbacks from panel fields as needed
The industrial STS will be available for the basic system price of
- Nameplate is based on the maximum area we can get under panels.
- Typical active coverage can exceed 85% cosine( latitude ) of the land area
less setbacks.
- Land use statements and affidavits can be provided.
- Excavation plans and filings must be on file prior to project start.
- Utility hookup permits must be on file prior to project start.
- Excavation, footings, and leveling steel not included in the basic system
- Leasing for panels, engines, and generators is available.
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