Carbon Dioxide
CO2 a.k.a. Carbonic Anhydride,
molecular weight 44.01,
crit. temp 31 C, crit. press. 73.7 bar
CO2 is a colorless gas of characteristic irritating
odor. It is a product of respiration, and the complete combustion
of all carbon containing compounds.
Whether or not CO2 is the evil that some folks claim it is or
simply a raw material for photosynthesis is not the issue. Tests
show that the concentration of this atmospheric component has increased
since the beginning of the industrial age this fact is not in dispute.
A quick calculation using the following assumptions and the
basic unit of power production for a single Solar & Thermal 2KW
bi-panel yielded the following results:
Typical Solar Insolation |
800W / m2 (10:AM to 2:PM) |
Peak Noontime Insolation |
980W / m2 (local solar noon 40 deg N lat) |
Panel Energy |
2794 KWHR / year / panel (annualized up to 56 deg N lat) |
CO2 avoided |
6425 lbs (based on burning coal -> 2.3 lb/kWh) |
Each bi-panel is approximately 12' by 22' and can produce from
2200-2500 watts of electric power depending on where it is
installed. The value of the power is ~ $1.25 based on $166/MWh
avoided cost. That translates to a payback of just 5 years.
If you look closely, you'll notice we based these cash estimates on what
we consider to be worst-case averages. Typical Solar Insolation is
what you'd expect on an average nice day, we've included a 20% margin
for the typical cloud coverage. The Peak Noontime Insolation is a
safety factor for the equipment design. You know those severe
clear days in late May when the sun is so bright you feel it in your
back teeth.
A commercial system will consist of batteries of
bi-panels. To keep things in perspective, 10 bi-panels would make
one "bleacher" and 10 bleachers would make one
"stadium"*. A typical big-box store could accommodate a
stadium of panels, and that would eliminate 6.5 million pounds of CO2
per year.
* The "stadium" as used here should not be confused with
the ancient Roman unit of distance the "stadia" (defined as
125 passus) Approx 608 modern feet. Similar to cable and furlong.