We've all seen this kind of diagram before
But what does it
really say?
"It is more tolerable to be refused than deceived." --
Publilius Syrus
We have opportunities to populate several business ventures.
We are evaluating to options & benefits of offering franchise
opportunities, and regional distributorships. Naturally, we're
contemplating direct expansion too. Both cost money.
The growth potential for STS is phenomenal. We've said it
before, everyone uses electricity.
We have a goal of having the Solar & Thermal System
A mandatory item for all new construction in 10 years.
Imagine buildings that are energy efficient, and self
sufficient. Every new building places a load on the existing
generating & distribution infrastructure. The STS removes
that burden.
- We're looking for forward thinking investors. If the
thought of a $300 billion market appeals to you, keep reading
- If you haven't noticed by this point, this isn't your usual
opportunity, and it isn't the usual offering; the payoffs are too
- If you are interested in a challenge, and are willing to roll up
your sleeves, give us a call.