Inquiring minds want to know.
Hello there, these questions are the usual ones that get
tossed about when folks are just beginning their search into the solar
energy arena. These questions are not generally of a do-or-die
nature, so we've tried to keep the answers on the light side.
But If you want to ask a specific or technical question, this is the
place to ask it. Just let us know you want a technical answer,
and we're happy to comply. No, we won't tell you how to
circumvent our patents, but feel free to ask, we think we've got a
decent sense of humor.
Don't see what you're after? Contact
us and we'll e-mail you an answer.
Maybe we'll even put the question and answer on the
page to help others.
- How much does it cost?
$3.00/Watt (or less) installed (for system from 25kW to
150kW). The exact cost will vary based on your location, we
use ASHRAE tables to compute the nameplate rating for your system
to the nearest 100W.
Next year we're hoping to have systems starting around
$3.00/Watt plus installation for systems from 5kW to 25 kW.
Same tables, smaller hardware.
- How long does it last?
We guarantee the system for 10 years against defects. We've
designed in a 20-year maintenance free expectation. We expect it
to last for the life of your home.
- What is your $5 guarantee?
If the (residential) unit fails to produce $5/day due to any
mechanical, electrical, or software failure, we'll pay you the $5
the unit would have generated each and every day is fails to do
- What if I don’t use $150/month?
It has to do with repurchase agreements with the utility for
net metering. We also felt it was a reasonable price point for
return on investment. We also based the $5/day guarantee on it.
- That’s a lot of $$$, is financing
Yes. We can work with your lender or ours. We can pre-qualify
you. We can even arrange no money down, and or no monthly payment
options. We'll even apply for any incentives you're entitled to,
such as the DOE, your local municipality, or even your local
utility company.
- Are there other incentives available
to me?
The 10% DOE tax incentive. Local incentives can push the cost
even lower. We'll help you obtain all the benefits you're entitled
- What about the 10% tax credit?
The DOE is sponsoring this credit, which is 10% of the purchase
price of a solar collection system, excluding swimming pool
heaters. The consumer can receive up to $2000.
- $150 sounds great, but I spent that
on coffee each month...
That'd be a jumbo espresso roast latte with foam, de-licious!
You probably also have a larger house, and use considerably more
electricity. We've got larger systems that will earn you
proportionately more money each month.
- How long does it take to recover my
Depends. Generally the larger systems recover the investment
faster. We can do a projection based on your specific
installation, geographic location, and utility rates. We'll factor
in rebates, tax incentives, grants, etc.
- What if I sell my house in 5 years,
or less?
You should certainly be able to recover your investment in the
higher sale price of the house. Plus the added selling points of
having a perpetually reduced electric bill and environmental
- Can I cancel my service contract?
We'd rather you didn't, but yes you can. We'll still make
warrantee repairs, but you'll be responsible for normal wear
related incidents.
- We’re moving to a ”cheap-electricity”
state, where are you?
We're still growing. Although the energy is the same, the
economic incentives vary from state to state. We're working the
places where the incentives are the greatest, but don't worry,
we'll be everywhere in the fullness of time.
- Who’s going to pay me each month?
You'll see your savings on each month’s electric bill.
Alternately, you'll be able to log into the main init and see the
amount you saved.
- Who am I going to pay each month?
You'll still pay your electric bill, but you'll see how much
smaller it is. If you financed the purchase, that payment should
be less than the amount you saved on your electric bill. Overall
you'll pay less.
- If I pay $150 to make $150 what good
is it?
How much did you spend for your house to save in rent? This is
a long-term investment. Each month you're closer to energy
- How much $$$ can I really expect to
make with it?
The $5/day is our guarantee. We wouldn't make it if we weren't
comfortable with the system's ability to easily exceed it.
- Will it hurt the resale value of my
No. It's a capital improvement. We'd expect that you'll fully
recoup your investment. And with the additional selling points, it
might even sell faster.
- Can I transfer the service contract
to the new owner?
Absolutely. We'll stand behind any normal change of ownership.
- Our home is worth 2million…
You must have a lot of roof area. I'd bet we could generate
$600 or more worth of electricity each month.
- Our home was built in 1876…
Some historical societies frown on indoor plumbing, just
kidding. It's possible; we'll still have to do a thorough
- We just spent $37000 on solar cells;
can we trade in?
You can probably recover some of that on e-bay. But there's
very little of the existing system that we'd be able to re-use.
- What financing plans do you offer?
Our bank has allowed us to pre-qualify you. We can also offer
low monthly payment, and no monthly payment options.
- We just bought the house and can’t
afford any more…
Since you just went through the mortgage process, you know
about debt to income ratios. We can offer financing packages that
won't affect your ratios. In fact we can even reduce or eliminate
your electric bill altogether.
- Will it affect our homeowners
No, not directly, it's got UL, CSA, TUV, and other
certifications. Of course it will increase the value of your home,
you might choose to increase coverage to reflect that.
- What kind of financial assistance can
I obtain?
Certain municipalities & utilities are offering grants to
partially offset the cost of approved solar-electric systems.
There are tax incentives offered by the United States Department
of Energy too.
- Can someone steal my refund?
Not likely. Well, um? … At gunpoint, I suppose…? The system
is password protected, and the monthly rebate comes in the form of
a greatly reduced bill.
- I own 2 houses; can I combine my
Not really. Since each electric bill is separate, the savings
will be split. But that's a good thing. You look like 2 separate
smaller producers to the utility. That means you get a better deal
and fewer rules on the power you produce.
- What if I let my maintenance contract
You'll always have the option to renew. Naturally, we'll have
to download the system's logs since the contract lapsed to verify
it's healthy.
- It rained for the past 2 weeks; can I
get my $5/day refund?
Sorry, the guarantee is for the reliability of the system, and
it's ability to maintain reliable generation when it's possible to
generate. We would honor it if we fail to get the system
operational prior to the overcast.
- Can my $5/day really make a
Individually, well, no; but if 1 household in 20 got half of
it's energy from renewable sources, we could cleanup the worst
polluting power plants in less than a year from the savings.
- Why do I have to use $200/month to be
It's much easier for us to present you to the utility as a net
consumer of electricity. They'd rather have you as a $25 month
customer, than have to pay you, even though they still make a
profit on all the power you produce.
- Are there any additional construction
There might be. We'll go over that after the site inspection,
and prior to the start of installation. You'll have the option to
have any necessary work performed prior to installation, or you
can cancel your order.
- Can I use it if I only use $60/month
of electricity?
Congratulations, you're already a top-notch conservationist of
electricity. Yes we can help; we generally try not to push a net
surplus of electricity from a homeowner, because the rules
governing the sale of power aren't as favorable financially.
- Is financing available?
Yes. Our lender has an excellent package. We can pre-qualify
you with them, and handle all the paperwork for you.
- Resale value of house?
Wouldn't you pay a little more for a house with almost no
electric bill?
- Tax incentives?
The DOE offers 10%. Other utilities and municipalities are
offering various incentives as well.
- What if I change my mind after 3
Call us. We'll cancel your order prior to the initial delivery
of materials to your site without further obligation. Following
delivery there would be a nominal shipping/restock fee.
- Is there a money back guarantee?
If the unit fails to perform as agreed, we will repair,
replace, or remove the unit from your home as stipulated in the
Didn't see what you were after? Contact
us and we'll e-mail you an answer.
Maybe we'll even put the question and answer on the
page to help others.