The ORC requires
efficient condensation
COTS components provide
A superior combination of features and price
We could tool up and make custom condensers, but why should we when
we can get exactly what we need from specialists in the field? The
ammonia condenser was developed over 1 century ago. I suppose you
can call it a well-known, well- developed and well-understood
Who benefits most from COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf)?
In all fairness, I think it's a 3-way win-win-win. We benefit
by not having to dedicate a lot of effort re-inventing the wheel.
You benefit, because the more familiar the system is to more folks, the
less you'll have to worry about. The condenser makers benefit,
because they utilize and leverage their knowledge and experience in the
The right condenser every time!
When the design began, out came the thermo textbooks, and the
parameters were all computed in a few hours. Then came the
decision making... What features to standardize? After hours of
exhaustive research, it was clear that there is a lot of expertise out
there. They've got standard features like variable tube flooding,
isolated gas circuits, variable speed fans, air monitors, coatings, and experience.
An interesting point, but you might like to know
The best condenser is seldom the cheapest condenser. The
operating conditions are harsh, the units will be exposed to the
elements, rain, wind, dust, heat, vibration... We specify corrosion
resistant materials, and good sturdy construction, for your benefit and
ours. And naturally energy efficiency is important too.